Friday, October 28, 2011

what ruins my day.

- well, i think everybody hates it. does anyone wants to have an headache? well it's an excuse in doing stuffs when you're lazy but, yea, it hurts, you know. i like pretending i have one but please, don't make it real. and don't mess up with me when my head is aching. i might say something you wouldn't expect.

- oh crap! i really, really hate it. cause i love eating. i love pizza, i love pasta, and i love my mom (cause she won't let me starve). so give me food okay? hahaha, just kidding.

- i'm not a party animal. i'm not outgoing. but i'm not an antisocial creature. so don't left me out in a group. i hate that. i think everybody does unless he or she is antisocial.

Expectations Undone.
- yea, i expect sometimes. it's natural to expect, especially from those you like. i also love imagining. and crazy imaginations turn into expectations. but sometimes things goes the other way around. stupid isn't it? that's why many people say, "don't expect if you hate disappointments." but i don't listen to them. so be sensitive. feel if i expect something for you to do to make me happy. hahaha.

- nah, just kidding. don't include it. but anyway, i already typed it so, fine. let's talk about it. it's natural. girls do jealous. unfortunately, i'm a girl. i hate it actually. and it's awful that sometimes, i irrationally get jealous. it's not about the achievements or praises or anything related. it's about, uh.. next topic, please? haha.

- yes! i'm paranoid and so what? aren't you? sometimes, when i'm using my logic i think of things which are possible to what i observe. and when it's awful and dreadful and obscure and it's about you and her (just kidding with the you and her stuff).. my mood is ruined. i'm paranoid, right? go, laugh about it. but because of it i'm in a bad mood.

- who wants to fail? if you do, you're a schizo. well, i am not a schizo so i hate it. yea, i want to be the good, the better, and the best. a selfish thought but atleast i can compromise. i can accept being the second or what but not the last. even second to the last. bring me to the middle and that's okay. but what if we're three? i hate being second to the last but being in the middle is okay. oh, stop philosophizing. hahaha. and it's not only about failure in acads or competitions. it's also about failure in.. nah, hahaha.

and last but not the least,
(infact the greatest reason, hahaha sue you.)


- why? expectations undone, jealousy, paranoia, and failure. that's you. haha just kidding. your face just ruins my day, that's all. hahaha i'm too bad. anyway, ignore this. it's just that i can't think of anything else. so thanks for wasting your time.

if YOU read it, and noticed it, bang! you're dead. ._.

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